Selling a hearthstone account with 157 total legendaries, 67 of which are standard and 292 total epics, 139 of which are standard. i have 9500 dust and roughly 24k dust in extra cards. Account has all the solo adventures that are currently out and total level is 567 with all the heros at level 60 besides demon hunter. Have gotten 12 wins in arena and have reached legend before so I also have the legend card back. I have 63 total card backs. (legendaries) (epics) You can reach me on facebook and discord. My facebook username is Noah Kaku, has no profile pic. My discord is metsrawesome#2479. Account is linked to my email so i can help you change the email once i get paid. You can also change the battle tag on the account if you want to. I accept paypal and cryptocurrency and willing to negotiate if needed.