Hello! Looking to buy a Grand Master Founder Account for Warframe. No funny business. Really want an account that has at least all event weapons or exclusive weapons/gear no longer available, everything else is does not need to be present *Note: U don't need to have ALL my preferences. Just state what u can offer and I can decide/discuss from there. **Payment Method: FLEXIBLE (Real Money/Bitcoin/Items etc.), willing to discuss** Preference 1: Most if not, all exclusive non-farmable/retired event weapons covered to date for MASTERY Rank -Braton Vandal -Imperator Vandal -Lato Vandal -Prova Vandal -Snipetron Vandal -Gorgon Wraith -Latron Wraith -Machete Wraith -Strun Wraith -Twin Vipers Wraith -Machete (retired) -Boar (retired) -Sheev Dagger -Snipetron (retired) -Dual Ether Dagger (retired) Preference 2: Cosmetics -Misa Prime Syadana (Important to me) -Tagris Prime Armor Set (Important to me) -Daman Prime Sugatra (Optional, not as important to me) Mastery Rank for the account does not have to be high, so long as it has most of what I want in the preference list above. ***Contact me on Steam (preferable), or by posting here*** http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043527666 Feel free to add me on Skype too: jameslimshengxiang Thanks for your time!
Hey, You can take a look into my account.. Iam not a founder doh but the stuffs i have is worth it http://www.playerup.com/images/smilies/smile.png Check out Warframe Account - EAGLE Mastery Rank 16.5.. > GOT ALL FRAMES > ALL FRAMES ARE RANKED 30 > ALL PRIME WARFRAMES > ALL PRIME WEAPONS > ALL EVENT MODS, EVENT WEAPONS MAXED RANKS > UNCOUNTABLE MODS, FUSION CORES > TOTAL PLATINUM (in-game money) -- 950 PLATINUMS > A LOT OF CREDITS > SYNDICATES RANKED UP ALMOST ( 3 syndicates ) > GOT OROKIN REACTORS , OROKIN CATALYSTS . 80+ FORMAS, PRIME PARTS > GOT FULL STALKER PACK (Dread Despair Hate) > 5-6 SYANDANAS > RUBEDO RHINO SKIN with RUBEDO SYANDANA ( Steam Only Exclusive ) > VAUBAN PHASED SKIN WITH PHASED SYANDANA (Steam Only Exclusive ) > EXCALIBUR PROTO ARMOUR SKIN ( Dark Sector Edition ) > ALOT OF TIER KEYS T1, t2 , T3, T4 > GOT IMMORTAL SKINS FOR ALMOST ALL THE WARFRAMES > GOT THE BEST COLOUR PACKS > GOT ALL ARKANE HELMETS WHICH ARENT AVAILABLE IN THE GAME ANYMORE > GOT ALMOST ALL THE BEST LOOKING ARMOUR SETS > GOT PRIMED MODS AND PRIME ARMOUR SET > GOT ALL KUBROWS LEVELLED UP Price is between 100$ - 150$.. I do think its a fair price for the amount of stuffs that I have.. Price is #.. No cheating.. No scamming http://www.playerup.com/images/smilies/smile.png