Selling CHEAP LRO Account(Male): - Consist mostly of mvp hunting for fast zeny and mvp card - have 1x lvl150 RK, 1x 150lvl MVP Sura(just change stats to pvp if you want), 1x lvl150 WL, lvl 154 MVP Ranger - have item worth 150usd to 200usd if i sell it to a person Notable Items +7Violet Fear[2] Lupus Cover(Premium headgear) 3D Glass(Premium custom headgear) Aquarius Helm(Premium headgear) Indian Chief Band(Premium headgear) Arcane Aura(Premium Aura) +7Valk armor with GhostRing card +7valk shield with Golden Thief Bug Card +7Nidhog shadow garb and many more Notable MVP Cards GTB GRcard Zeny 100m left. Disclaimer: I didnt include other essential items i have including potions and such due to it take times and screenshot to do so. That includes storage items. Cheers. Reason for selling: I dont play ragnarok anymore, i move on to the next level and i need money for personal use.
Hi, sorry for late reply but the account had been already sold. If you are still interested, we are still selling zeny in the game. The rate is 15usd = 1billion, we got 12b currently.