Sold LVL: 225+ TS: 4.5k+, Raid Team: 41k+ GEMS: 7.7k+

Discussion in 'Bit Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DebeliMucek, 5/7/20.

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  1. DebeliMucek

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    For all of you tired of grinding from the beginning, can now start with Bithero account at TIER 10.

    Selling my personal account, because I have a new job with less time.
    I’m still playing when I can, so new stats, items, familiars could be added.

    TS: 4.5k+
    Raid Team TS: 41k+
    Level: 225+
    Gems: 7700+
    Gold: 11.6M+

    Current gear:
    Mainhand: LEG T9 FULL
    Offhand: LEG T10 FULL
    Head: SET T9 (Arsenal) FULL
    Body: MYTH T10 FULL (Melvin Cloak)
    Neck: LEG T10 FULL
    Ring: EPIC T11 FULL
    Acc: LEG (Honor Cloud: 20% Crit, 8% Evade)
    Pet: EPIC Shielding pet +1

    Power: 2169
    Stamina: 1464
    Agility: 884
    (Stat reset avaliable 2x, if you want to change things around)

    Raid and friends:
    Can currently easily AUTO R7 HEROIC.
    Current Raid Team TS is 41.017 with mostly fully upgraded leg gear, pets, acc, mounts and growing every day.
    Have only above 200+, 300+ level strong friends, if you want to tweak things.

    Guild Level: 162+
    Honor points (Guild): 760k
    This account gives you the Officer rank in this high-level guild. This level unlocks every item in the shop.
    Powerful Members will give you advantage in doing guild events and brining better items, faster and easier growth.

    Leg: Remurade, Columbus, Robby, Astaroth
    Epic: Ulairius +5, Scort +4, Brutow, Dryad +2 and around 25 more
    Have also Shrampz +5 and Borlan +5 with leg and epic augments for extra bonuses,…

    Mythic: Rombolio, Stratos, Walogdr
    Leg: Remurade, Robby, Columbosim, Blubix, Lord Daspinor, Gengie, Skubby, Svirnel

    Lots of mythic, and leg consumables, materials.

    Payment with Paypal also possible (Price is #…)

    For more info and pics contact: PM
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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