Account is rank 46 ML 5 units include: Arbiter Vildred Martial Artist Ken Specter Tenebria Dark Corvus Ambitious Tywin Desert Jewel Basar Non ML 5 units include: Tamarinne Cerisse Iseria Krau Tenebria Charlotte Basar Vildred Cermia Alencia Notable ML 4: Auxiliary Lots Challenger Dominiel Other notable details: Can auto Wyvern hunt 11 Has reached arena rank Master V All packs untouched (Including Welcome Pack) Large amounts of story untouched Linked through Stove Account (which is obviously given to you) Preferred method of payment is through Paypal. (Price is #) PM me at my discord: felix#2198 Feel free to ask me for details about the account, I might take a bit to reply depending on what time of day you message me, can also provide screenshots.