Hey, dont have time to play game anymore so selling my long time account. Have more than 500 all kind of troop cards, In University finished Selassie, Amelia, Saladin, Da vinci, Moctezuma, Musa, Hiawatha, Hanibal. Sally Ride 23/60 Harriet Tubman 27/78 King Sejong 64/100 Catherine 27/100 Suleiman 6/100 Empress Wu 9/80 Museum is mostly focused on HT which has 76% Dmg +factory troop dmg 15% and 51% hitpoints. All other stats are pretty decent too. Legendary artifacts: Leonidas Bust, Red Baron's engine, Joyeuse Sword, The white death's war Kit. 67k fragments, 4k blueprints, 10k Supplies, 11k Researchers, 15k Benefactos. Almost 1k crowns, A lot of all kind of resources in inventory with 145 NTGs shipment. 23 event buildings with 3 Bazooka sentry, 1 Bazooka tower, 3 elephant stable. Lots of blessings, some boxes for artifacts. 125 wall manuals, 106walls lvl 18. 70 walls lvl19. If u have questions please ask will try to answer as soon as possible. Account was clean all time never used cheats or other crap.