I want to sell my account of marvel contest of champions

Discussion in 'Help - Find Support Answers' started by Rahul Maru, 5/2/20.

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  1. Rahul Maru

    Rahul Maru
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    Unverified Member

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    Will I have to pay any fees for selling my account here?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. Middleman

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    Moderator Status (Staff): This account handles all middleman support tickets Middleman Status (Staff): This account handles all middleman transactions

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    Automated Response


    Buyers: I just paid. How do I start my order?HideExpand

    If you have purchased an item through PlayerUp Middleman Services "Buy Now" option, then after the payment has been processed you'll need to fill out this form in order for your order to startup. If you have already completed this form, then your order will start shortly.

    Sellers: How do I receive payment after completing my order inside the 3 way conversation?HideExpand

    Please read this step by step guide

    Sellers: Can I receive an update on my payment status?HideExpand

    Please note that we DO NOT respond to duplicate tickets regarding your payment status in order to ensure everything is organized into 1 private conversation ticket so we won't reply to this ticket if you're requesting an update. If you have questions regarding your payment status, please post inside your private conversation ticket and remain patient so we can reply back. Meanwhile, you can track your payment status here.

    Sellers: How can I track my payment status?HideExpand

    Click Here

    Sellers: Where can I view my payment history and logs?HideExpand

    Once your payment has been sent, your private conversation ticket/3 way conversation ticket will show as completed and you can view a transaction log here for your records. If you're unable to view your transfers, simply select All Actions, select Transfer, and then press GO to pull up all your past transfers.

    Sellers: What if my order hasn't been activated and I have questions?HideExpand

    If your private and 3 way conversation ticket hasn't been activated, than an agent will update this ticket shortly.

  3. Help

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    Community Moderator

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    Simple guide to use Middleman Service for your Sales and Purchases...
    [Simple Guide] Playerup Middleman Service - New Members Read This! - UPDATED | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.

    If you are the seller...
    Getting Started: How Do I Sell / List Items For Sale? | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.
    Middleman: Sellers Guide | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.

    If you are asking if there's an upfront payment to post your sales here then NO there's isn't. However if you sold an item thru our Middleman Service then there will be fees.

    Middleman Service charges for as high as 13% of the asking price and drops as you get more Middleman Transactions completed.

    PlayerUp: Middleman Fees - Sellers

    Here is how our fee structure works:

    Your fee was 12.99%

    Fee Based Structure
    How The Buyer Pays Us + 9.99%
    Any Processing Fees +
    How The Seller Wants Payment + 3.00%
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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