Selling  iOS  Average Level 120, Gold League ID, Mobile Hero Wars, VIP15 1m total Hero Power, RU Server

Discussion in 'Hero Wars Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by pennyhunter, 5/2/20.

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  1. pennyhunter

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    My Location:
    Price $:
    Make Offer
    Main Arena: galahad, keira, dorian (6star), martha, andvari (5star). Total power 32x xxx

    Grand Arena: Galahad, twins(lars and krista), Jorgen (6star), martha (5star). Total power 24x xxx
    Asta, keira, dorian (6star) andvari (5star) jet (3star). total power 26x xxx
    CLeaver, Arachne(6star) Peppy, Celeste (5star) nebula (4star). Total power 14x xxx

    Main Titan team power: 21x 2xx consist of Nova,Sigurd, Araji (6star), Eden, Hyperion (5star)
    Total Titan power : 34x xxx (only hyperion and eden are not absolute, the rest are 6 star)
    Dungeon Level: 36xx (as at 2/5/2020)

    5k diamonds, 60k gold
    consistently staying at top 5-20 (arena) and top 10-40 (grand arena)
    Prices are $3500 (#)
    Plenty of room for growth
    Free membership of cooperative guild (you will be guided during wars)
    Consistent top 3 gold league (competitive)

    Reason for selling: Was from WLD server, spent 10k+, now cant afford to spend to progress even in RU

    For more info leave your discord id.
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  2. OP

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    My Location:
    Skin Stats: Glyph:

    Galahad: All max, Health 34/60 all max

    Keira: all max, Agility 50/60 all max

    Andvari (5star): Strength max, no physical attack skin Phys att 30/40, other all max

    Martha (5star): Intel 20/60, Mgc Att 26/60 Health and intel max, mgc att 34/40, armor 21/40, mgc def 28/40

    Dorian: Intel 20/60, Health 33/60. Armor 20/60 health max, mgc att 30/40, intel 32/40, armor 35/40, mgc def 20/40

    Astaroth: Strength 21/60, Mgc Attack 20/60, Armor 32/60, Mgc def 7/60 armor max, mgc att 35/40, str 31/40, health 34/40, mgc def 31/40

    Arachne: intel 9/60, Mgc Att 26/60 Mgc att, armor, Mgc pen all max, intel and health 0/40

    Jorgen: Strength 25/60, Mgc def 15/60 mgc att 25/40, str 34/40

    Lars: Intel 10/60, Mgc Att 22/60, Mgc pen 30/60 mgc att 20/40, mgc pen 26/40

    Cleaver: Health and Armor 10/60 no glyph

    Krista: intel 10/60, mgc att 20/60, armor 23/60 health 12/40

    Ishmael: agility 10/60. crit hit 20/60, health 20/60 health 13/40

    Jet (3star) : Health 30/60 Health and dodge max, intel 25/40

    Celeste (5star): intel 20/60, mgc att 20/40, health 21/40, mgc def 5/40, mgc pen 22/40, intel 15/40

    Gift of the Elements stat:
    Galahad, Keira, Martha, Andvari (Max)
    Dorian 27/30
    Jet 24/30

    Rest zero

    for more info (drag0N#6098)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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