Selling Account For Sale - Retirement

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Andrew K, 12/14/14.

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  1. Andrew K

    Andrew K
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    Entire Account For Sale - Looking For $2000. Willing to negotiate. Please PM me if interested. I am going to continue playing until sold so some things will change but I will update potential buyers of any major changes. The list below is of the most interesting cards. Card Binder has a total of 184/235 cards.

    Lvl 92
    3.3 Million+ Credits
    30000+ AP
    No Name Change Available
    Level 5 on most vehicles - Slave 1 and Blizzard 1 are not level 5 has of post
    8 Hangar Spots


    4/7 TCO
    4/7 TCO NonTradeable
    2x Base Obipad
    4/7 Obipad Non Tradeable
    4/7 ObiJM SK8
    4/7 ObiJM SK10
    Base JJB
    2x Base JJB GS
    4/7 Padme SAW
    Evo 2(3 cards) Queen SK30
    4/7 Mace SK35
    4/7 Yoda Saber
    Base Yoda TGM
    4/7 R2D2
    Base Chewbacca
    4/7 Chewbacca
    4/7 Han
    4/7 Han Smuggler
    4/7 Lando Sk10
    4/7 Ackbar SK1

    4x Base Mundi
    4/7 Mundi SK40
    2x Padme #
    2x Base Panaka
    2x Base Plo Koon
    7x Base Mace
    4/7 Mace
    3x Yoda
    Evo 2(3 cards) R2D2
    4/7 R2-D2
    2x Base R2 Mech
    2x Base Aayla
    4/7 Kit Fisto SK1
    2x 4/7 Chewbacca
    Base Solo Bob
    2x 4/7 Han Solo
    4/7 Han carbonite
    3x Base Luke Pilot
    4/7 Luke Pilot
    Base Slave Leia
    4/7 Slave Leia SK40
    4/7 Lando SK40

    2x 4/7 Oppo
    4/7 Taun We SK1
    4/7 Bail SK30
    4/7 Bail SK4

    Dark SIde

    Base Aurra
    2x Base Maul
    Base Maul Sin
    Base Boba TRH
    Base GG EC
    Base Tarkin
    Base Jabba
    Base Nute
    Base Boba Fett

    Base AurraSniper
    4/7 Aurra Sniper SK1
    4/7 Aurra Sniper SK37
    2x Base SCP
    3x Dooku
    4/7 Lott Dod SK 11
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. Hadoken

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    I'll give you 800.00 for it
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
    HALİL likes this.
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