Hello! Welcome to my shop thread LARGE Trochus stock Amount left: 800k Price: $2:1k CONTACT (Discord): MrTrochus#5630 I’m willing to lower the price only if you buy a lot of shells! I’m a dependable seller and I’m always getting more shells which means I dearly value consistent customers ❤️ P.S If you buy shells, please leave a comment and help spread my name
I was skeptical at first at the whole I pay first thing, but you’d be glad to know from at least my experience this guy is 100% legit
100% legit. I was skeptical initially due to of course near 100 dollars involved when buying 50k trochus, but nonetheless MrTrochus ensured that the product I wanted was delivered after purchase. <3
I just brought shells from this seller and they are 100% legit! This is not a scam and I recommend you buy some. ‼️
I wanna buy 700k trochus I added you on discord plz reply to me as soon as you see this msg. Thank you!