Selling  Android Selling VIP 11 Account - Details bellow

Discussion in 'Idle Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Boomalist, 4/29/20.

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  1. Boomalist

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    My Location:
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    Server: 713
    Level: around 170 (<1 year account)
    Consumables: 30k gems, Relics: 13, 240 wc, few hs, orbs and swc. around 200 mil gold and spirit.
    Bf border +2,3
    Pets: maxed Phoenix, 80% leveled Deer)
    ALL P2W Artifacts: Ruyi, 2x DB, 2x AMB, 2x Punisher, Antlers Cane, MSS, CROWN (all maxed) + other lower tier artifacts.
    E5 Heroes (maxed S3 Stones, best stone variants): Double Carrie, Double Ruda, Aida, Belrain, Unimax.
    10* Heroes (Aida, HW)
    Hero copies (memorable): Around 12 Taras, 9 Amen-Ra's, carrie, aspen, etc).
    A TON of fodder (2 9* dummies, 4*, 5* shards + existing copies).
    475 Hero slots.
    Best PVP Account on the server. Best Guild in the guild clusters (won last 12,13 guild wars).

    It's a beauty of an account (PM me for pics), but I don't really find the joy in this game anymore. The only downside is, damn DH Support won't change my email (work email sadly), so I can't pass that to you.

    I can however provide the account password which you can change at any time (I also provide 24/7 assistance in case you forget your password, we can reset it for you so you can change it to what you want back). I have invested 10k Euros in this game, I want a symbolical sum back for it. If you have trust issues, PM me and I will find enough fellow idle heroes from discord to comfort you that I'm a safe bet.

    Wish you all the best,
    ex-Idle Hero
    #1 Boomalist, 4/29/20
    Last edited: 4/29/20
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