Wts warframe acc lvl 12, 1750plat.

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 12/12/14.

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  1. Games

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    I want to sell my warframe account

    I have a rank 12 account, now a list of the most important things...

    Credits: 250.000

    Platinum : 1750

    Play time: 300 hours

    Galaxy : 195 of 239 completed

    my warframes:

    Warframes with installed orocin reactor:

    Nova Level 30 (1 forma)

    The new Hydroid level 30

    rhino level 30

    Vauban level 30 volt level 30

    valkyr level 30

    warframes without reactor:

    mag prime lvl 30

    nekros lvl 0

    Ember Prime level 30

    Frost Prime level 30

    excalibur level 18

    Ash lvl 13

    zephyr lvl 5

    I already had nyx/nekros/saryn/mag/ember and oberon on level 30 but i have sold them...just leveled them for mastery rank and sold them because i didnt like them....

    My Weapons:

    Weapons with installed orocin catalyst:

    Boltor Prime level 30 (4 formas in it)

    Soma level 30 (1 forma)

    Dex furis level 30

    Gorgon Wraith level 30

    Castanas level 30

    weapons without catalyst:

    akbronco prime level 30

    boar prime level 30

    dual heat swords level 27

    karak level 23

    paris level 30

    paris prime level 9

    penta level 30

    reaper prime level 7

    sicarus prime level 17

    and i have leveld many other weapons and then sold them.... all weapons that havent been on level 30 yet are in my foundry.. i bought all blueprints of all weapons i didnt had on level 30

    in my foundry there are 10 weapons ready to claim and to level then... and many other blueprints are ready to build

    Sentinels :

    all level 30:

    Carrier (reactor already installed)





    and the 5 weapons are already on 30

    i also have some skins and helmets for the warframes/sentinels and weapons

    i have many extractors and gear blueprints

    i have many void and orokin keys....

    and i have every blueprint of all the prime warframes and weapons. nearly all prime weapons are ready to build


    i have 408 mods,nearly all the important mods ...

    good mods like continuity,flow,vigor,enemy sense,streamline, and many more are already on max level...

    other good mods:

    redirection lvl 8

    vitality lvl 6

    split chamber max level

    serration level 8

    tetra doom event mods all max

    i have many of the corrupted and nightmare mods, nearly all important aura mods...

    all in all , i have the best mods you need for your warframes , weapons and sentinels..

    i dont know if i have forgotten some important information.....

    if you want to know something just ask me or add me in steam , name: kollegah6077

    please offer some prices to me , i accept paypal.

    thanks for reading


    nobody wants to buy? i dont sell it very expensive... just need some cash offer me a price thats okay for both parts of the deal

    Hi there i ve already add u on the steam my steam ID GlodenType59 see u later
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