[EU] Selling mastery rank 13 warframe account

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 12/12/14.

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    Selling my warframe account!

    Mastery rand 13

    Credits = 400k

    Platinum = 413


    Excalibur = level 30

    Trinity = level 30

    Saryn = level 30 (orokin reactor) (helmet)

    Rhino = level 30 (orokin reactor) (2 helmets)

    Nyx = level 30

    Nova = level 30 (orokin reactor)

    Frost prime = level 30

    Nekros = level 30 (helmet)

    Mag prime = level 30

    Ash = level 30

    Vauban = level 30 (orokin reactor) (helmet) (Phased skin)

    Banshee = level 30

    Oberon = level 30

    Valkyr = level 30

    Volt, Ember, Loki, Mag, Frost = don't have them but they were lvl 30

    Ember Prime = have system, blueprint

    SENTINELS (with tail,mask,wing)

    Carrier = level 30

    Wyrm = level 30

    Deathcube = level 30

    Djinn = level 30

    Shade = level 30

    laser rifle = level 30

    death machine rifle = level 30

    stinger = level 30

    sweeper = level 30

    burst laser = level 30


    Weapon slots = 30


    Boar Prime

    Boltor = level 30

    Ignis = level 30

    Lanka = level 30

    Ogris = level 30

    Penta = UNRANKED (orokin catalyst) (1 forma)

    Snipetron vandal = level 30 (orokin catalyst)

    Soma = level 30

    Strun Wraith = level 30 (orokin catalyst)

    Synapse = UNRANKED (orokin catalyst) (2 forma)

    Supra = level 30

    Vectis = level 30

    Braton = level 30

    Flux Rifle = level 30

    Braton = Rank 3 (orokin catalyst) (IAH Games skin)


    Acrid = level 30

    Despair = level 30

    Brakk = level 30 (orokin catalyst)

    Aklex = level 30

    Spectra = level 30

    Stug = level 30

    Wraith Twin Viper = level 30 (orokin catalyst)


    Machete Wraith = level 30 (orokin catalyst)

    Dual ichor = level 30

    Dual zoren = level 30

    Hate = level 30



    6 Forma

    3 Forma blueprints

    6 Orokin Catalyst

    1 Orokin Catalyst blueprints

    2 Orokin Reactor

    1 Orokin Reactor blueprints

    Collor packs(Classic Saturated, Storm and Halloween



    Ether sword, Cernos, Tysis, Akmagnus, Akvasto, Amphis, Braton Prime, Bronco Prime, Burston Prime, Dakra Prime, Detron, Dera, Drakgoon, Dual Kamas, Dread, Embolist, Fang Prime, Fragor, Galatine, Glaive Prime, Gram, Heat Dagger, Jaw Sword, Karak, Kestrel, Kogake, Latron Prime, Lectra, Machete, Magistar, Magnus, Mire, Miter, Orthos Prime, Paris Prime, Prova, Reaper Prime, Scoliac, Sicarus Prime, Seer, Tetra and Twin Gremlins!

    ALL THIS WEAPONS ARE CRAFTED EXEPT - Akmagnus, Braton Prime, Bronco Prime, Burston Prime, Dakra Prime, Detron, Fang Prime, Glaive Prime, Miter, Orthos Prime, Reaper Prime(have all the parts),

    PRICE: 70
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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