GrandMaster Account w/all current primes

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 12/12/14.

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  1. Games

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    Want to buy a Grand Master Account with all current Prime Warframes and Prime Weapons:

    Prime Warframes Prime Weapons - Primary Prime Weapons - Sidearm Prime Weapons - Melee

    Excalibur Prime

    Ember Prime

    Frost Prime

    Mag Prime

    Rhino Prime Boar Prime

    Boltor Prime

    Braton Prime

    Burston Prime

    Latron Prime

    Paris Prime Akbronco Prime

    Bronco Prime

    Lato Prime

    Lex Prime

    Sicarus Prime Ankyros Prime

    Dakra Prime

    Fang Prime

    Glaive Prime

    Orthos Prime

    Reaper Prime

    Skana Prime

    The level of the Prime gear doesn't matter as I will be playing the s**t out of it anyway :D

    Any other miscellaneous stuff like color sets, helmets, emblems or any Plat etc is a nice bonus but not essential.

    What I am want is an account with access to ALL currently available Prime gear for me to play with.

    If your account ticks all those items listed above get in touch with me and lets make a deal!

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