Account warframe rank mastery 17| 200.000 credits| 400 platinum

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 12/12/14.

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  1. Games

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    Nick: OwN3D7

    Warframes : Limbo - Mirage - Hydroid - Zephyr - oberon - Valkyr - Nekros - Nova - Vauban - Banshee - Saryn - Trinity - Volt - Ash - Nyx - Ember - Frost - Excalibur - Mag - Rhino - Loki | And Warframe PRIMES. | All with Reactor and potatoes.

    PRIMARY WEAPONS: Amprex - Boar Prime - Boltor Prime - Braton Prime - Burston prime - Buzlok - Dera - Dread - Flux Rifle - Glaxion - Gorgon Wraith - Grinlok - Lanka - Latron Prime - Latron Wraith - Ogris - Opticor - Paris Prime - Penta - Phage - Quanta - Soma - Supra - Sybaris - Synapse - Tiberon - Vectis - Vulkar | All Weapons with catalyst and potatoes except Grinklok, Supra, Vulkar.

    Secondary Weapons: Akbronco Orime - Bronco Prime - Lex Prime - Sicarus Prime - Hikour Prime - Marelock - Pyrana - Dex Furis - Stug - Dual Cestra - Acrid - Despair | All with catalyst and potatoes.

    Melee Weapons: Ankyros Prime - Atterax - Bo Prime - Dakra Prime - Dragon Nikana - Dual Ichor - Fang Prime - Galatine - Glaive Prime - Hate - Orthos Prime - Reaper Prime - Scindo Prime - Silva & Agis | All weapons with calyst and some potatoes.

    Sentinels : Carrier - Djiin- Helios - Wyrm Prime | With reactors and potatoes.

    Extractors: 4 Distilling 2 Titan

    SKIN : All immortals skin wraframes, Halloween pack skin weapons,

    Helmets : All arcane helmets

    Kubrows : 5-6 Lotus Yellow - Red - Green - Black | Huras - Sahasa - Raksa - Sunika

    MODS: Tethra, Breeding Grounds, Cicero, Cryotic Front, Gate Crash |(Maxed Mods) Heavy caliber, Serration,Magnum Force, Split Chamber, Vitality, Redirection

    Edo Armor Set and 3-4 syndianas

    PS: And i have a lot duplicates mods like set cryotic , corrupted mods , nightmare mods and stance mods. Some Sets Frost, Ember, Rhino, Mag, Nyx, Loki, and a lot primes weapons and others stuffs that could be sell for platinum.

    I accept offers.
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