Hey all, I have some clean names for sale here is what I have. Gri****Bear Hint: American Brown Bear BIN: 75$ C/O: None JimHalp*** Hint: The Office -GREAT reactions BIN: 80$ C/O: None Grayn*ss Hint: E -VIP on Hypixel BIN: 30$ C/O: None Minecraft*F & Minecraft *F (selling as a set) Hint: Girlfriend & Boyfriend -Funny reactions to both BIN on both together: 30$ C/O: None Also have 3ls for sale: P9E zmn ALL are secure, some are mail access, others mail changable. All BINS are # and if you offer me close enough to BIN I'll probably take it. I am open to trades. Zyger ONLY as middleman if you'd like, but you pay fees. Try and comment on this thread before PMing me. Telegram: @RedoXYGen Discord: oxygen#0001 All BINS are just starting points so feel free to offer me anything.