I'm selling an VIP 10 account which was the old #1 account on Kings Mausoleum and undoubtely strongest acc before merges with older servers. I invested over 5k $ and acc is with all the #1 rankings during seasons worth way more than that. Unfortunately I have no more time to play, thats why I want to sell my acc. Below I list only legendary cards and higher, as it makes no sense to post hundreds of epic cards. Furthermore the are Screenshots of actual Silver/Gold and VIP Level and the inventory with another Godlike gem. I want to sell the acc for 1,800 $. If there are any questions, dont hesitate to contact me: [email protected] (yea, its a real mail. I use it for all the online stuff like registering for forums like this one) Screenshots from account: Equipment: Helmet 15, Cloak 15, Armor 16, Sword 16 As all Buildings are obviously level 20 alot of crystals left. And quite a bit of gold as you can see. Screenshots from cards (all legendaries and godlikes): Human leg: Human godlike: Elf leg: Elf godlike: Halfblood leg: Halfblood godlike: Undead leg: Undead godlike: Goblin leg: Ogre leg: Ogre godlike: Beast leg: Outsider leg: Outsider godlike: Dragon leg: Dragon godlike: Angel leg: Angel godlike: Warrior Skills leg: Ranger Skills leg: Mage Skills leg: Mage Skills godlike: Priest Skills leg: Priest Skills godlike: