Selling  Android and iOS (1000$+ VALUE)12x LEGENDARY/10LIGHT&Dark/100+Mystic scrolls. 9000gems, 500+ FOODER+ 40+ SKILLUP CATS

Discussion in 'Calibria Crystal Guardians Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Likeabauws, 4/23/20.

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  1. Likeabauws

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    My Location:
    Hello all!

    Contact: Discord Likeabauwss#0782

    instagram.: CCGaccounts

    Price: Message on discord or forum

    Its very cheap

    Screenshot on discord

    Over 300+ accounts sold. playerup/twitter/facebook./instagram.


    12x legendary scrolls:

    10 light & dark scroll:

    100+ mystic scrolls:

    9000 gems

    14million calianite. Used for enchanting runes.

    500 Cats mixed, Skill cats/exp cats/ascension cats.

    400 void summon stones

    How to buy one account?

    Message me here on forum, or on discord. We talk about how this works, and wich server you want the account on.

    And i solve it for you

    My offer is the best on the market with items with value over 1000$ in game.

    I offer fresh starter accounts, with alot of in-game items. Everything you need to progress and enjoy the game more.

    U will be able to buy all in-game packs i wont touch any of them.

    Why would you buy one of my accounts?

    Cuz my offer gets you value. You will have a easy time to progress and focus more on setting up the perfect teams for different contents etc.

    I recommend buying 2 accounts, 1 for playing when u get. And 1 to save for later when new updates come with new heroes events.

    Message me here on forum, or on discord for more details regarding my service and methods
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