Level 90 Jedi Human Male Starsider

Discussion in 'Star Wars Galaxies Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 12/8/14.

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  1. Games

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    Main Characters Faction: Imperial
    Elder Profession On Account:
    Main Characters Lightsaber: Jinsu Razor
    Main Characters Equipment (Rate It): 5 - Uber Equipment (Fully Geared)
    Main Characters Equipment (Describe): Jedi Knight Robe, Several Pieces of Jewelery.
    Main Characters Skills (Describe): Dark Side Expertise, Beast Mastery
    Main Characters Armor (Describe): Jedi Knight Robe with Jewlery
    Main Characters Weapons (Describe): A Jinsu Razor Model Hilt with Several Krayt Dragon Pearls inside and a red color crystal
    Select the number of characters over Level 20:
    Alternative Characters Server: Bloodfin
    Alternative Characters Level: 40
    Alternative Characters Race: Human
    Alternative Characters Profession: Jedi
    Alternative Characters Equipment (Describe): Full Tusken Raider Clothing, Double Bladed First Generation Lightsaber
    Alternative Characters Server: Gorath
    Alternative Characters Level: 25
    Alternative Characters Race: Human
    Alternative Characters Profession: Medic
    Alternative Characters Equipment (Describe): Full Katarn Armor (Blue), Sand Trooper Backpack, DLT20 Rifle
    Total Heroic Tokens: 0
    Total Rare Pets: 3
    Respecs Available: Yes
    All Assets (Describe): Multiple Houses Filled with SWG memorbillia, Sets of Armor, Veteran Rewards, A Jetpack, Lvl 60 Droideka, Gackle Bat Familiar, Mouse Droid Familiar, 2 Lvl 30 Droideka, lvl 60 Magnagaurd, AB-1 Landspeeder, R2 unit, 3 R5 units, Bolotuar Mount, ATRT Mount, ATST mount, LVL 29 Bocatt Pet, LVl 4 tourton pet, Upgraded Tie Fighter, Dewback Mount, Lvl 60 Gaurdian Mark II Droid, Hover Chair , Peko Peko Mount, 3 Scyke Light Fighters, 3 Luxury Yacts, 4 Swoopbikes, Varactyl Mount (Bred before it was released with the complete online adventures) Tantive IV Landspeeder, 2 V-35 Land speeder, Kartha's Cliff Jumper X-34 Landspeeder, 2Xp-38 Landspeeder, Speederbike, Y-wing
    All Pets (Describe): Lvl 60 Droideka, Gacklebat Familiar, Mouse droid Familiar, 2 Lvl 30 Droideka, lvl 60 Magnagaurd, R2 Unit, 3 R5 Units, Bolotaur Mount, Lvl 29 Bocatt, Lvl 4 tourton, Peko Peko Mount, Varactyl Mount, Dewback mount, lvl 60 gaurdian mark II droid, peko peko mount, Kartha's cliff jumper
    All Ranks (Describe): Private Rebel Army Sergeant Imperial Army
    All Titles (Describe): Beast Handler, Cheif Geneticist, Force Adept, Imperial Pilot Initiate, Jedi, Jedi Apprentice, Merase Master, Urban Planner, Hero of the Corellian Security Force, Bounty Hunter, Officer, Medic, Spy, Saboteur, Champion of Empire Day, Chosen of Empire Day, Imperial Anti-Propaganda Enforcer 2010, Form Gorath, Fugitive from Gorath, Traveler from Gorath, Born on Gorath, 3 Years of Experience (Character Age),Novice COllector, Accountant, 5 Years of Experience (Character Age), 5 year veteran (Account age), Alliance Recruit, Force Sensitive, Born on Bloodfin, 2 years of experience (Character age)
    All Tokens (Describe): None
    All Vehicles (Describe): Jetpack, X-34 Landspeeder, 2Xp-38 Landspeeder, Speederbike, Tantive IV Landspeeder, 2 V-35 Land speeder, 4 Swoopbikes, Hover Chair, ATRT Mount, ATST mount, AB-1 Landspeeder
    Transferable To New Server: Yes
    Age Of Account: 3 to 5 Years Old
    List All Expansions Enabled: Jump to Lightspeed, Rage of the Wookies, Trials of Obi-Wan

    Additional Information
    The main character is a Sith Lord.

    Total Currency

    Email Address
    [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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