Level 90 Jedi Human Male Farstar

Discussion in 'Star Wars Galaxies Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 12/8/14.

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  1. Games

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    Main Characters Faction: Rebel
    Elder Profession On Account:
    Main Characters Lightsaber: Fifth Generation 1 Handed
    Main Characters Equipment (Rate It): 6 - Best Possible Equipment (Fully Geared)
    Main Characters Equipment (Describe): Made for tanking, same with expertise. All but 2 of the crystals possible to get (sunriders and permafrost I do not have), I have lava crystal, windu's,
    Main Characters Skills (Describe): Made for tanking, period. Best against nightsisters, solos most bosses with ease (EX. Sher kar, Malfosa etc.)
    Main Characters Armor (Describe): Has many different armor sets for professions ranging from Commando, Jedi, Bounty Hunter.
    Main Characters Weapons (Describe): My main character has over 6 weapons (sabers) that have a different element, he has all the "top" elements possible to get for that element, and the highest elemental damage for each of the elemental classes.
    Select the number of characters over Level 20:
    Alternative Characters Server: Farstar
    Alternative Characters Level: 90
    Alternative Characters Race: Zabrak
    Alternative Characters Profession: Trader
    Alternative Characters Equipment (Describe): Made for crafting- high luck percentage.
    Total Heroic Tokens: 23
    Total Rare Pets: 1
    Respecs Available: Yes
    All Assets (Describe):
    All Pets (Describe): Tinkles- made for dps only, moderate at tanking Bahagavad Gity (say that 3 times fast) leveling him up still, but he was made for tanking, has the highest percentile available currently for armor bonus. The other pets were just for show off, stuff them if you want.
    All Ranks (Describe): Used to be a General on the Rebel's side, however over time got bored with it so I gave up on that bit.
    All Titles (Describe): Many titles, like Champion Krayt Killer. Over a 1/4th of the way done with slayer collections.
    All Tokens (Describe): Some of the halloween tokens Some of the Christmas Tokens Many heroic tokens Axkva Min Tusken King IG-88 Hoth and Star Destroyer
    All Vehicles (Describe): Commander Barc Barc Lava Skiff AT-ST AT-XT AV-21
    Transferable To New Server: Yes
    Age Of Account: 3 to 5 Years Old
    List All Expansions Enabled: All that exist

    Additional Information
    This account has alot of the rare stuff, as you will see when you log on. This account is well over 1000 days old, and over the years I have collected from many friends, allies, and strangers (haha) many different items. Many of these items are way overpriced now adays and shouldn't be taken lightly. I must admit it is kind of hard to let this account go however, it is worth it... for the right price. Many things exist in this account, well over 1200 decoration items and many things you can't get anymore. So only a fair or reasonable price. Thank you for your time.

    Total Currency

    Email Address
    [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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