Selling GOLD Eden Eternal Server Diamond

Discussion in 'Eden Eternal Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 12/8/14.

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  1. Games

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    I sell special gold diamond for game servers eden eternal, gold stock at any time is always changing, so before you buy it please contact me. I apologize for the current selling price is very expensive, so for those of you who can not afford it please exit this page.

    1000Gold price is $ 2 USD minimum purchase 2000Gold.
    Maximum purchase of 20k or 20000Gold.

    I can accept your purchase orders in bulk gold.
    The process of sending transactions to your gold I wear a variety of safe and reliable manner. way of gold delivery will be the talk and agreed with you in advance

    Gold money back guarantee if you do not receive within 1x24 hours
    I accept payment via Paypal only.
    Here's my contact information
    Email: [email protected]
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