Sold [Selling] EU NS High End Account Para 9700+

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Furnace123, 4/15/20.

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  1. Furnace123

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    Hey there,

    selling a top Account on EU regions. Im the original owner since 2015. Played it also several seasons from season 3.

    It have everything you could imagine:

    Paragon 9700+ (will raise up in the next time i guess so will be close to or even finish 10k in a few weeks)

    All classes and Meta builds ready to go.

    6.000 Bountymats each

    1.5 million yellows, 1.2 million blues, 700k white

    900k Souls

    400k deathbreath

    5000+ keys

    250x 150 augments rdy - enough to full augment 20 chars and also all builds have there own 150 maingems so at all close to 300x 150 gems
    alot of cosmetics, also including are 7 wings, also the cosmic wings. and allready got the max ammount of stashtabs from season journeys.

    Allready used the 1 free battletag change, but if you are interested and will buy it i will pay for the change.

    If you have any more questions or wanna see pics or something just pm me here.

    Price is # im open to offers. (pm)
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