first : i sold an item the 3rd of march , and a requested a payment , and i did not receive it , it's still on Pending: Payment ETA 24-144 Hours it been more than 10 days ago . order number 1628438691 2nd : i uploaded my id for the verification in the first payment request , i didn't get the badge of verified member 3rd : i sold more than 3 items trough middleman i didn't get any badge of selling more than 3 . 4th i requested a payment to my payoneer i recieved it to my advcash account , even if middleman responded me by my infos were updated , but it didn't . please i need some help right here @Support @Middleman
@Middleman is going to be backed up today while getting caught up. I see 2 completed recent cashouts so yes you're receiving funds. Your new transactions will be paid out to you soon. This is not a dispute. You just need to be patient for them to process it.