Sold Duel links for sale

Discussion in 'Yu-Gi-Oh! Yugioh Duel Links Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by xyzmmgamer, 3/3/20.

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  1. xyzmmgamer

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    Hey guys I’m selling my one and only Yugioh Duel Links account those who are interested. I’m going the extra mile to show you guys my Duel Links account and deck in a video so you’ll know exactly what you’re getting.

    The reason why I’m selling this deck is because I don’t have the time to play anymore. Work has got me all piled up. I would hate to see this deck go to waste and so I’m offering it to anyone who wants to buy and get a head start or get right into the competitive edge of the game without all the grinding and with an abundance of powerful cards and gems / items. All the world levels are maxxed out, and all characters are at least LV 30 or higher. Most of these characters can still be leveled up so you can still play and level with them.

    Message me on here or Email me if you have any questions at [email protected]


    Video Table of Content
    Items / Tickets: Beginning
    Cards (UR / SR): 0:45
    Monsters: 0:45
    Spells: 3:45
    Traps: 4:45
    Extra Deck: 5:18
    Character LVs: 5:50
    Skills: 8:33

    Number of Items:
    Gems: 9,270 (Worth at least $180)
    Gold: 6.3 million+
    UR Jewel: 111
    SR Jewel: 169
    R Jewel: 25,282
    Stone of Light: 21,834
    Stone of Darkness: 19,115
    Stone of Water: 22,964
    Stone of Flame: 23,067
    Stone of Earth: 27,427
    Stone of Wind: 24,286
    Stone of Spell: 38,972
    Stone of Trap: 24,954
    Skill Chip: 172
    Gate Key: 1,111
    White Gate Key: 5,066
    Black Gate Key: 2,175
    Blue Gate Key: 3,068
    Red Gate Key: 3,404
    Yellow Gate Key: 3,531
    Green Gate Key: 4,823
    Duel Orb: 65
    Extra Deck+: 1
    Results Booster: 63
    EXP Booster: 30
    Extra Life: 40
    Extra Card: 42

    Number of Different Cards
    Ultra Rare: 241
    Super Rare: 403

    (Forget to add in the video, but I do own ALL the current Featured Cards with 3 copies each from the Card Dealer and about 90%+ of the Regular Inventory Cards)

    World LVs:
    DM: 60
    DSOD: 30
    GX: 30
    5 D’s: 30

    I will play a little bit each day, but will not spend anything, so the numbers of items will increase.

    My generosity for you is that instead of using my Gems to buy the newest # decks I’ve decided to save 9000+ gems for any buyer so that they can have the choice of purchasing their # deck of choice, packs, or structure decks that they would like. 9000 gems = 180 packs so technically you could purchase an entire Main Box! The new Judgement main box is looking very promising at the moment, or you could work on the latest KC decks of Dark Magician or Cyber Dragons. The choice is yours.

    On top of all of this, I have a lot of base cards that you could build upon. The Masked Heroes deck that you see in the video is an absolute beast when it comes to auto dueling. Wins about 90% of the time and is an OTK deck! In the last Ranked Duel contest I was able to achieve KOG with my Masked Heroes deck!

    Payments will be through sent through Paypal. Once I receive the payment then I will send you my Konami email and password. After this, if you want then you can change the login information.

    Here is the video of my Duel Links account and Deck again if you haven’t watched it yet.

    Video Table of Content
    Items / Tickets: Beginning
    Cards (UR / SR): 0:45
    Monsters: 0:45
    Spells: 3:45
    Traps: 4:45
    Extra Deck: 5:18
    Character LVs: 5:50
    Skills: 8:33

    Message me on here or Email me if you have any questions at [email protected]

    If you see this post then it means that this account is still for sale. Any updates will be posted below here.
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  2. OP

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    UPDATE of all the UR + SR Cards + Items + Tickets (3/17/2020). Click the image below for gallery!
    >>> <<<
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  3. OP

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    My Location:
    UPDATED (4/8/20) of all UR + SR Monster, Extra Deck, Spell, and Trap Cards + Items + Gem Count + Tickets.

    Click the image below for gallery!

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