780k Matk+++ 46%pdef reduction / 51%Mdef reduction Guardian Angel /Azrael Pet Maxed Holy Favour Full +16 Peerless Set's Lvl5 ( 5 Blue) Antique Tenet Lvl20Doom - Gen 1 lvl3(Seal Broken) - Blessing of Light Legendary (Immortal) Auguric Staff I +14 (imbued)/4moons (Polish) + x4 Perfect Garnet ,x1 imma Garnet x4 Perfect Pink Diamond Gem x1 Imma Perfect Pink Diamond (Ring) X4Flawleds kaynite ,x1 perfect (Neck) X3Perfect Fire Opal ,x1 Imma Fire Opal (Off Hand) Maxed Lvl Supperior Immortal Attack Sperion + lvl 7 Gems (Hero,Hero,Wit) 10days to claim xtal on funds (+ 9.1k xtal) Can easily do corruption to lvl9 And plenty of goods in Bag including 74 FS , 2stacks of DC and 3-4 stacks of PUC n etc #Cant play CS due to busy schedule ( broke student) #i need this account to gone asap / please take it from me #Price is # https://www.playerup.com/middleman/?page_id=5&form=cart&p_key=10579422_64835 ( if buying) Add me on discord Yuyuu#1139 if interested /questions / check out my toon Thanks