I am new to the site and was under the impression I was entering my payment information to receive payment from a buyer for my account I have sold, rather in the process of selling as I still have not received payment for that account. I have made the severity high due to $200 being taken from my bank account to purchase my own item and is now stuck due to me being unable to cancel the order. Link to the pre-middleman 3 way conversation below: https://www.playerup.com/conversati...p-transaction-id-2130000000082087625.1517186/ As a side note/question I am unsure how to proceed with receiving the initial $200 sent from user LukeSF on this middleman 3 way conversation linked below. https://www.playerup.com/conversati...ion-id-1628438352-3-way-conversation.1516748/ I can see that order 1628438352 is Pending: Payment ETA 24-144 Hours but I am not sure where to input my information to receive the payment or how to proceed. Please advise, Thank you for your time.