Sold Stacked Black Knight

Discussion in 'Epic Games Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by General Forums &, 3/29/20.

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  1. General Forums &

    General Forums &
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    This is my main fortnite account has all seasons except a few
    Has a lot of things bought on it
    40+ skins, a bunch of emotes, dances, etc
    Also has the mako glider and some other rare things
    It isn't linked to anything right now as i've contacted epic games to have them relink it to a different account using one of the methods i've read
    username: 9u4 if that matters at all​

    c/o: $70 offsite
    paypal only until i decide to use btc again :)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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