Hello , im trading my account for japan expo code/account with japan expo. - Cheese gathered first : 16745 - Cheese Gathered : 29985 - Bootcamp : 1000 - 87 total furs (alot of them collector) - All colors - 176 items (not counting the furs and the colors) - 94 costumized items - 10 shaman items - 4001 hat costumized - 2019/2020 christmas event special item (costumized) - 2019 hallowen event special item (costumized) - 40+ collector items (most of them costumized) - 14 outfits. - Alot of badges - Alot of cartouches - Alot of titles Here are all the images you need. Screenshot by Lightshot Screenshot by Lightshot Screenshot by Lightshot Screenshot by Lightshot