Selling  NA - Velika; - 8 characters lvl 66-68; 18 Character Slots; All Apex; All 448 Minimum ilvl

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by sophiemzv, 2/12/20.

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  1. sophiemzv

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    My Location:
    Price $:
    Make Offer
    ASKING PRICE IS : $100

    Contact me in DISCORD : sophiemzv#9516
    To Discuss, Not Accepting Trade.

    RFS : Quitting

    The email address was created for this account and never used before and I will provide it too with all the neccesary information.

    Screenshot :

    2 bank tabs
    1 costume per character
    All glyphs unlocked for each class (except lvl 70 glyphs - these are given in your mail when you reach 70)
    EP level 356
    Rewards tier 3
    EMP: 370

    Accounts start with 2 character slots and the value of the extra 16 slots totals to 7,920 emp (if not elite) or 6,720 (if elite),

    76k gold - additional gold can be purchased with the account, please message me before purchase with the amount you'd like added and I will add this onto the listing before purchase.
    10k gold = $1
    Up to 1 million additional gold can be added.
    This is a more secure way to buy gold as it will not be traded to your character and it is less likely to result in a ban - it will be traded through guild bank and the characters on this account have been in the guild for a long time so it is less suspicious to EnMasse.

    Elin reaper - lvl 68
    456.4 ilvl
    Mount: Fate (tiger mount that regens health)
    Unity Stole - rare scarf

    High Elf female priest - lvl 68
    455.7 ilvl

    Elin mystic - lvl 66
    450.5 ilvl
    Mount: Waddlewing (super rare unobtainable flying pig mount - only awarded to top 100 in PvP/PvE in 2016 and was not tradable )

    Elin gunner - lvl 66
    448.5 ilvl
    Mount: Snowdrift (snow leopard mount)

    Elin ninja - lvl 66
    448.1 ilvl
    Mount: Death Charger (purple and black horse mount)

    Elin sorcerer - lvl 66
    448.1 ilvl
    Mount: Dafi (black duck mount with rainbow stars and moons and afro)

    Human female brawler - lvl 66
    448.1 ilvl

    Human male brawler - lvl 66
    450.2 ilvl
    Mount: Snowdrift (snow leopard mount)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. PlayerUp

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    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.

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  3. OP

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    My Location:
    BUMP !!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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