Selling my B25 In state 286 / Original State is 25 // Current Migration is 1-160 Currently has 8 Migration Tickets ( Ready for when migration range is increased) Building Power - 2.3 Mil Technology - 9.2 Mil All 5 APc Gold Parts:- Vehicles 2 X - GOld Phantom set Shooter 1 x GOLD Ranger Set 1 x 4 GOld and 1 Orange Fighter 1 x GOld Dreadnaught Set Heores, All basic Oranges Maxed ( Except Warhound) S1 - Dragons Rage maxed ( Missing 7th) S1 The Professional ( Maxed) S2- Panther Maxed ( missing 7th) S3- Anastasia ( Maxed) S3 Wings of Liberty ( Maxed) S3 Vanguard ( Maxed) S3 Farseer maxed ( Missing 7th) S3 Countdown maxed ( Missing 7th) S3 Tech Priestess maxed ( Missing 7th) S4 Hummingbird maxed ( Missing 7th) X KAmikaze Missing 6th and 7th and some other S heroes without maxed. Development heroes Marketeer/ Medic / Drill Master / Master Marksman / Mechanic / Esqire/ Pioneer / Oil Tycoon/ Alchemist Chrome / Patriot / Taskmaster and few more mostly maxed Tons of Resources. over 3.0 G / /Iron 500 Mil National Level 68 // DD Lever 46 Pm me for messages // Line WeedBaby //Discord Weedbaby #2708 Can show base pictures or message from the base for verification. Unfortunately does not come with Email. I have been playing since past 1 yr. I had bought account from someone too. Asking $1500