Sold Level 120 Storm/ Level 105 Death/Level 25 Ice (Female) with Rare Items!

Discussion in 'Wizard101 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Zen7777, 3/16/20.

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  1. Zen7777

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    This account was created back in 2014. It has plenty of gear and high end characters. It even has some of the rarest code wands that many would die for. They're extremely difficult to obtain, that's why this account is so rare! There are even two Fog Staffs, so you can share between two characters. The Storm even has some Loremaster Spells and the Death has Deer Knight. There are a few retired bundles on this account too!

    What is included? (Has a One Month Membership)

    1. Level 120 Storm
    - Malistaire Gear
    - Loremaster Spells (Handsome Fomori, Goat Monk, Keeper of the Flame)

    2. Level 105 Death
    - Some Malistaire Gear
    - Has Deer Knight

    3. Level 25 Ice
    - PVP
    - Female

    4. Code Wands
    - Two Fog Staffs
    - Dragonclaw Blade
    - Goldenbeak

    5. Majestic Bundle
    - Two Passenger-Malorian Dragon
    - Winter Wind Tower

    6. Winterbane Gauntlet
    - Winterbane Hall
    - War Boar

    7. Jewel Crafter's Bundle
    - Crystal Unicorn
    - Bountiful Mine
    - Wand Stitches

    8. Storm and Death School Gear Stitches

    9. Lots of Duels!

    10. Extra Mounts from Omen!

    11. Account Username, Password, and Master Password

    What are the conditions?:
    In order for this transaction to happen, you must send the money first. I will not go first. I can provide proof and evidence that his account exists and I can screenshare via Discord if you'd like.

    Ways to Contact me:
    Discord: Zenlyx#0418
    Steam: Steam Community :: Zenlyxº

    I accept Paypal, Zelle, and Venmo! Price is #!

    Thank you and I hope we can have a nice and smooth transaction!

    #1 Zen7777, 3/16/20
    Last edited: 3/16/20
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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