Selling  iOS VIP 6 - LVL 206- IOS S72- 356 ORBS - RELICS - FOOD - GEMS

Discussion in 'Idle Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Erik Higraff, 3/16/20.

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  1. Erik Higraff

    Erik Higraff
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    My Location:
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    I'm selling my 15 months old Idle Heroes account.
    Bag / Resources:
    356 ORBS!! Perfect for the upcoming Easter Orb Event!
    194 Glorious Relics

    153 Heroic summons
    71 Super wishing coins
    129K Guild coins
    E5 - Aspen (Legendary skin)
    E5 - Penny (Legendary skin)
    E5 - Penny (Legendary skin)
    E5 - Garuda
    E??? - Garuda (I have 7 Garuda copies, a lot of food and 189 relics, so you can build another E5 Garuda)
    E1 - Amodel ( + 3 copies, enough to take him to E5)
    E1 - Heart Watcher
    10* - Belrain
    9* - Kroos (+ 2 copies)
    10* - Vesa
    9* - Norma
    9* - Sierra
    9* x 3 Shadow puppets
    + A lot of 5, 4 and 3 star food.
    Other heroes to mention:
    5 x Gustin copies
    11 x Hours copies
    1 xAspen
    2 x Mihm
    3 x Dark Arthindol
    Phoenix (Fully upgraded)
    Dyne (90% upgraded, need a bit rune enhancement on speed, see screenshot).
    Monthly cards: ACTIVE (Senior Privilege, Privilege and monthly carnival)

    Artifacts, equipment, resources, heroes etc is visible on the screenshots:

    If you have any questions, just ask.


    #1 Erik Higraff, 3/16/20
    Last edited: 3/16/20
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