Hey, I am selling my Boom Beach account level 31 hq 11. At the moment it still got 2574 Jewelerys( almost 20 euro worth). I invested a lot of money. I am searching for a 25 euro paysafecard. Arsenal lvl 8 canons 4x lvl 6 rocket launcher 2x lvl 6 2x lvl 7 sniper tower 4x lvl 11 flamethrower 2x lvl 4 morter 2x lvl 9 gold storage lvl 7 + 8 stone storage 2x lvl 5 boats 5x lvl 10 radar lvl 10 iron lvl 2 iron storage lvl 4 gunboat lvl 11 sculptor lvl 3 sawmill lvl 7 stone pit lvl 5 and so on... If u are interested and got questions just pm me or comment below the topic. http://www.playerup.com/images/smilies/smile.png Greetings e-mail: [email protected]