Hey guys, I am trading in two high level account for a higher. I am looking for a high level boom beach account. Hey if it's only 4 levels higher then me still offer cause I might take that. I am offering the bases below. Read below to find out what you get for what I'm offering. If you want to message me privately you can do so at my kik The first base is a maxed Th. 9 that is lvl 109 for IOS. As you can see its a completely maxed Th. 9 exempt for the new stuff in the update. imgur: the simple image sharer As for the boom beach it is a lvl 45 high lvl account. It's a great account and has Awesome statues. imgur: the simple image sharer For more info please contact me on my kik and we can discuss there. Remember to just offer anything higher then lvl 47 and I might even accept Btw I have blurred out the names to make sure someone doesn't contact supercell to get it banned. It's for the buyers security