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Discussion in 'War Thunder Powerleveling Boosting for Sale' started by RenamedTV, 3/1/20.

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  1. RenamedTV

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    Hello, guys. I have to say that my English is not perfect.

    I. About me:

    I started playing this game in 2012. I came to War thunder for planes, when tanks came out i wasnt interested.
    Stopped playing casually in 2017. Got some results in tss tournoments, and at the moment im one of the best 1v1 air RB duelist in the game.
    Also when i started streaming i learned how to play Air realistic battles.
    Solo playing with 0 bot kills. I played these planes on my twitch streams. So no cheats
    You can see other examples here - RenamedTV / War Thunder player statistics
    I won’t lie and tell fairy tales about how good im on all vehicles in all game modes. My specialty props in air RB. This is where I'm truly good.
    Because of that there is some peculiarities.

    II. Orders guidance:

    1. Because of my speciality all grinding\unloking\etc must be done throuth Air realistic battles. Im not playing other game modes. Dont worry - this game mode perfect for plane researching and lions farm.
    Keep in mind that i make 2.5-3 kills per battle.
    Same goes for automatic ingame tournaments - Only air RB.
    2. Rank 1-4 planes only(with rare expections like yak-15) Im not that good in jets and i dont like flying them. But 1v1 tournoments i can do on jets.

    III. What you can get:

    1. Silver lions grind.
    2. Research points grind and plane spading.
    3. Pretty nice stats. Specialy battles per kills ratio.
    4. 1v1 tournaments wins at tss. You can get unique title and other stuff(look at rewards for 1st place)

    For example, if you need to unlock jets and grind tons of lions - im your guy. Just give me something like premium "A2D-1" + you going to have nice stats as bonus.
    Keep in mind that i make 2.5-3 kills per battle.

    IV. Prices:
    1 hour - 3.0$

    Tell me what plane shoud i take and what shoud i research.
    Battles in which I made 1 kill or less - will not be counted. I will not count time you bought if i play bad.
    But it depends on vehicle, but i guarantee 99% of time it will be that way. This rule applies even for some bombers.

    3 hour long automatic 1v1 tournoment - 12$ for 1st place. Like this one for example. Price can be variable, better if you send me tourney link and ask. Most likely be 12$ thought.

    Discord user name for contact: RenamedTV#5406
    #1 RenamedTV, 3/1/20
    Last edited: 3/1/20
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  2. OP

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    #2 RenamedTV, 3/16/20
    Last edited: 11/17/20
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