Sold [EU/NA] Black Desert Online Boost ✅Verified Seller✅

Discussion in 'Black Desert Power Leveling and Silver Farming - Buy Sell Trade' started by AnomalyTraveler, 2/27/20.

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  1. AnomalyTraveler

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    Hey there!
    AnomalyTraveler is boosting your BDO Account again!

    I got so many orders so i had to stop for a second with boosting BDO Accounts. Now i'm back and our Team got bigger.
    [Your account will be handled carefully]
    First i would like to say thank you to all orders because i could even pay my driving license now with that money.:D:heart:
    I am a private booster, veteran in Black Desert Online and i stay awake if i get the order until 00:00 CET+1 so if i have only 1 order i can deliver fast.

    What am i offering? I am boosting your desired character from lvl 1 to lvl 56 for 50 Euros.
    I wont use any chats, items, pearls, money. The method how i will boost your account depends on the situation. On Weekends i am lvling up faster and on events. I will do all mainstory missions until Mediah. On the first Quest of Mediah i will stop.

    The offer includes the main story and your desired character on lvl 56.
    Everything else you want you have to pay.

    We can either agree something based on my offers or also discuss an offer that is not listed here.

    The fastest way you can contact me is trough whatsapp +4179 268 51 47.
    You can also write me trough discord or here reply to my therad.
    My discordname is: AnomalyTraveler#1111

    Paymethod: Paypal

    Other offers:
    • Lvl 56 to 57 = 15 Euros
    • Lvl 57 to 58 = 20 Euros
    • Lvl 58 to 59 = 25 Euros
    • Lvl 59 to 60 = 35 Euros
    • Lvl 60 to 61 = 60 Euros
    • Lvl 61 to 62 = 120 Euros
    • ***Lvl 56 to 62 = 250 Euros***
    Deliver speed: 1 - 2 days for lvl 56 and 1-7 days depending on your orders, i can tell it to you whenever you write me. Depending on my orders it can go faster or longer but i can always tell it to you how the situation is.

    There are random wishes from my customers sometimes, lvling up the guild, lvling up your horse or lifeskilling to a desired rank. Just write me okay? Make me an offer what you want to pay for it and i will see what i can do for you. Also all 12 Riftbosses or whatever you need.

    You are the reason why i stay awake the whole night ;-)

    Cya soon mate!

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  2. OP

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    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Bronze Status: This user has successfully completed 3+ middleman transactions

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    Discord name changed to AnomalyTraveler#0919
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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