Very good defensive comp (8m t4s plus a solid base of t2s/t3s) Blue MH set Blue train set (gold flamegrit boots) Gold axe, gold frost offhand, 3x purple ferno accessories, 3x purple drums accessories, 2x purple decay accessories + 1x gold one, purple ferno mask, gold flamegrit boots, purple frigid boots, purple flamegrit armor Gold reginald , Luna almost blu and few other p2p heroes at green. Lots of quests saved up Currently researching army hpII lv10 Vet cut cost maxed Gold tech and train dragons rss outside: 2b rocks and 2b wood rss in bags: 11b food 4b rocks 4.5b wood almost 2b gold Contact me on wegamers / line if need more pics or info wegamers id: GE5580 line id: ales95ita Price is #, price in list, OBO