IGN: ParadoX K/D: 2.4 HS: 41% I've spent more than 2000 on this account so i think 200 is a fair price for all these guns. I'm a sf2 youtuber, but I'm so busy these days barely have time to play anymore and the hackers are just ruining it for me. Weapons: m4 gold ak gold m4 christmas k2 wall qbz red dragon xm8 marine m4 skull sig kraken fx sig the belial m4 cherry fx scar leopard m4 maple m4 lighting gold fx bolt skull ak christmas ak lizard m4 gladius famas pumpkin g36c batgun m14 venom sig irongun aug blue tiger k2 black pearl famas hyra bolt jw bolt hunter awp gold frf2 fairytale m40 shooting dead awp tundra ct big dipper cz captain