Selling  Europe  Verified  Less Than 1 Year Old  No Rating  1-5 Reviews Rent new freelancer. com account Verified!

Discussion in ' Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by NickTop, 2/20/20.

  1. NickTop

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    Good afternoon!
    I need 10% of your income, but not less than $ 120 a month, if you agree to these terms, after all the checks, you need to pay $ 80 immediately (this money I need for buying # for you!)

    I agree to any background checks!

    I will give you full access to your email, account, and any support service.

    I'll give you a separate # to work with 24/7.

    For me, the most important thing is to find a reliable partner, a professional freelancer, with whom I can not worry about any incidents.

    I'm looking for a long-term partner.

    IMPORTANT: I will only work under the conditions described above.

    If you do not agree with the prepayment, then I ask you not to bother me.

    I wish everyone who reads my message happiness and family well-being! Thanks for your attention!

    Skype: nekitman1306
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