Hello, i am selling all my personal GFO accounts i made along the years. This was my first mmo and i started this game when i was in high school. Currently have no interest in the game and need some urgent money. I have total of 5 accounts and i used them basically for storage and other stuffs. I am going to post google drive link for all the scrrenshots. I highly encourage to check that since i have lot of stuffs that i am not going to mention. If google drive link doesnt work, pm me i will send the link to you via DM Here is some basic informations about these accounts. Account 1 level 80 Demonologist 75 PVP set+15, 80 Yellow set +15, 79 purple chest +16 with adv and inter safety, 70 purple int relic with adv and inter speech and spell rune stone, 70 yellow relic stoned, 70 purple staff +16 with adv, inter and beginner booster, adv speech, inter and beginner blast rune stone , 75 yellow int +18 stoned, 80 yellow mana drain +15, lvl 85 pvp set 4 piece ( shoe missing) Level 74 SharpShooter 70 purple 1h sword with basic, beginner, inter sniper rune stone, 70 yellow 1h sword , 60 yellow 1h sword, 50 yellow 2h sword, 70 accuracy yellow firearm+15, 60 agility yellow firearm+15 , 38 orange centipede tail+15, 3 combat mount( 1 red scorpion, 1 red tiger, 1 glacial tiger) Level 46 Cleric with priest legacy Account 2 Level 78 Warlord berserker legacy +15, Warlord legacy+15, 70 sprite set+15, level 80 yellow 3 piece ( gloves, pants, shoes)+16, 80 yellow head+9, 60 yellow 1h sword+5, 70 yellow 1h sword+15 , 65 yellow 1h axe+15, 70 purple 1h axe with basic, beginner and inter power rune stone, 75 purple 1h axe with adv power, inter atk, inter eruption. 65 yellow shield+15, 68 bahado devilfish gun, 70 purple gun with precision and blast rune stone. 38 1h axe, 40 2h sword, 60 orange shield creator embrace, 38 orange gun and bow, Unbound ( taro lover set without head piece, taro hermit pants and lvl 100 purple chest piece) can solo PT without a sweat and really fast. Inter lightning rune stone in bank and bunch of other stuffs. Some taro armors and lvl 99 purple chest piece in archive. Level 46 paladin Legacy+5 Level 58 Engineer machinist legacy, 50 1h yellow, 60 1h yellow, 50 2h yellow, 50 yellow cannon+10 Level 31 assasin with legacy 2 Combat Mounts ( plated dragon and 2 seater scarlet dragon) 3 Star all stat yellow mount Account 3 Level 80 Warlord Full 80 Yellow set+15, 80 purple chest piece with adv and inter safety, 70 purple firearm with inter and beginner atk and basic power, 70 yellow 1h sword+13, 75 1h yellow hammer+15, 65 yellow 1h axe+11, 75 yellow 1h axe+15, 80 purple 1h axe with inter, beginner and basic power rune stone, 60 yellow firearm+15, 70 yellow staff+6 Level 70 Warlord with berserker legacy 1 Combat Mount ( Red tiger) Unbound kaslow captain sprite set Account 4 Level 76 Mystic Mystic legacy+5, 70 sprite set+5, 75 sprite set+15, 75 pvp set(without chest), 70 2h hammer+15, 70 yellow staff+15, 70 Relic 1 combat mount( Yellow tiger) 80% nucs obtained for illusonary title Account 5 Level 74 Darkstalker lvl 70 sprite set, 70 yellow bow unbound black cat hat Level 54 paladin Unbound Bunny hat and some unbound bags and lvl 50 yellow relic 1 combat mount(Hasty penguin) and deepfreeze snowboard and a zebra There are some unbound stuffs here and there in all these accounts. I am looking around 150$ for all the accounts or if you want to buy them separately then Acc1= 60$, acc2= 80$, acc3= 30$, acc4= 20$, acc5=10$ Razer Gold code/ Skrill / neteller only please. The prices are not set in stone and #. I am open to any offers as well . PM me here or in my discord: Renec#5170 . or pm me for my Facebook. if you want to contact me there instead. Let me know if you want any more informations regarding these accounts. I am selling my accounts becuase of emergency so i want to sell them fast ;-;
Lowering price to 100$ for all of this account. Still # and paypal available now as well. Really need to sell it fast