Selling my Rise of Mythos Account on Kongregate I stated all my Legendary Cards, but this doesnt even include the huge assortment of Epics I have. I have landed in 33rd-64th rank many times. Server: Slumbering Cemetary Priced at $1600 The price is stated at this amount because it saves you the player already nearly $3000-$4000 due to the fact that the account is nearly VIP 10 which takes $5000 dollars to get there. I am selling this account at a very reduced amount. Payment through paypal only After I have recieved the money, i will give the Email and password to access the account Feel free to contact me at [email protected] Level 56 Mage VIP 9 Account Over $4000 Acount 20% left until VIP 10 and you can get a KING Silver 507354 Crystals 285313 Gold 293 Rubies 123 Medals of Hounor 630 Equipment Epic Crown Lv10 Epic Armor Lv10 Epic Weapon Lv10 Epic Cloak Lv 10 Ring Of Bravery +2 Unit Crit Insignia of Wisdom +2 Hero Crit Earrings of Bravery +2 Unit Crit Pendant of Perseverance +3 Unit Block Inventory(many more items such as mounts/ inventory upgraded to full second page) Soul Fragments 195 Magic Fragments 7k Energy Fragments 3.8k Class Change Orb x2 Good Gem 324 Rare Gem 109 Epic Gem 1 Tower Ticket x12 Sealed League Tickets x17 MANY FORMULAS Elixer of Energy x90 Fire Opal x1 ************ Reputation Human 48 Undead 36 Beast 26 Goblin 24 Ogre 24 Elf 30 Halfblood 36 Outsider 32 Dragon 17 Angel 19 Warrior 14 Ranger 2 Mage 35 Priest 35 Legendary Human Generics Captain x1 Paladin x1 Lance Champion x1 Horseman x1 Knight x1 Grand Fencer x1 Mercenary Veteran x1 Heavy Repeating Crossbow x1 Battle Priestess x1 Priest x1 High Priestess x1 Holy Master x1 Legendary Humans Hero Crusader Lucanus x1 Eacann the Charger x1 Wind-Dancer Elke x2 Demon Hunter Azrael x1 Juliet X1 Aphrodena x1 Nadja the Viper x1 Scorpio x1 Cancer x1 Legendary Elf Generics Elven Archer x1 Elven Sharpshooter x1 Pegasus Scout x1 Pegasus Leagionare x1 Pegasus Raid Leader x1 Elven Thunder Mage x1 Elven Thunder Archmage x1 Legendary Elf Hero First Ranger Talenor x1 Tanwen Wildfire x1 Ophelia West Wind x1 Velyn the Unscarred x1 Silva the Frozen Heart x1 Tariel the Phalanx x1 Temptress Lorelei x1 Gemeni x1 Halfblood Legendary Generics Feles Assasin Master x1 Centuar Guerilla Leader x1 Tengu Samurai x1 Werewolf Ironclaw x1 Halfblood Legendary Hero Mifzuna the Wind x3 Lucius Swift x2 Chief Hrafn x1 Yumi Swift Shot x1 Chieftan Lionroar x1 Maia the Shadowblade x1 Sensei Calista x1 Whitemane x1 Mynx Hammershock x1 Noella Frost x1 Sagitarius x1 Undead Legendary Generics Zombie Captain x1 Zombie Swordsman x1 Zombie Chamption x1 Vampire Archmage x1 Ghost x1 Chilling Ghost x1 Icy Gale Ghost x1 Dread Phantom x1 Undead Legendary Hero Ofeigur the Undying x1 Prince Serka x2 Desperate Soul x1 Pumpkin Witch Morgana x1 Goblin Legendaries Goblin Outlaw x1 Raid Captain Gubba x1 Beach Girl Cucullu x1 Ogre Legendary Ogre Ringleader x1 Ogre Bloodrager x1 Ogre Hercules Ringleader x1 Beast Legendary Generic Fiery Cerberus x1 Senior Thunder Lizard x1 Sawtooth Thunder Lizard x1 Spiteful Bat x1 Beast Legendary Hero Spellfire Chimera x1 Beast Goddess x1 Outside Legendary Generics Harpy x1 Minotaur x1 Greek Archer x2 Trojan Horse x1 Trojan Hoplite x2 Trojan Peltast x1 Trojan Archer x1 Valkyrie x1 Frost Giant x1 Volva x1 Dragr x1 Einherjar x1 Outsider Legendary Hero Fire Lady x1 Aphrodite x1 Pallas Athena x1 Medusa x1 Pan x1 Loki x1 Thor x1 Freyja x1 Snow White x1 Onslaught Knight Lawrence x1 Victory Knight Niemann x1 Magic Fist Simon x1 Oracle Priestess El x1 Dragon Legendary Generic Flame Drake x1 Frost Dragon x1 Blessed Dragonkin x1 Shadow Dragon x1 Dragon Legendary Hero Tesalos x1 Tharymaskus x1 Draaksarus x1 Angel Legendary Generic/Hero Angel Lightbinder x1 Angelic Savior x1 Angel Vanguard x1 Judge Aleksandra x1 Judge Caitlyn x1 Judge Lenaya x1 Epicx1 Judge Artimus x1 Demon Epic Lilith the Betrayer x1 Warrior Skills Legendary Encourage x1 Last Stand x1 Command Cleave x1 Protect x1 Warrior Skills Epic Military Charge x4 Conscription x1 Ranger Skill Epic Plan B x1 Ranger Skill Legendary Premiditation x1 Sow Disorder x1 Frenzy x1 Reveal Weakness x1 Mage Skills Legendary Hermes Wings x1 Lightnight Storm x1 Deep Freeze x1 Armageddon x1 Weaken x1 Conjure Troops x1 Mage Skills Epic Lightning Tempest x1 Conjure Troops x1 Priest Skill Legendary Call of Power x1 Priest Skills Epic Righteous Judgement x2 Blessing Sanctuary x3