if the number was deleted and the password changed how will I restore it? I don't have access to the channel really you made such a decision and I rubbed my YouTube channel that I don't have it someone will believe me who will help that I was also believed/?
I want the buyer to return my channel without any problems I gave him a normal channel of 3 way conversation I don't have access to this channel anymore all the evidence is worth it the proof is not enough you accused me of blocking account why block me and waste my time you say that you can restore this number and password already there not on channel how i am restoring
bro no one believes you, you keep saying the same without proof. I am at least trying to solve this here, on google and with support. You have done nothing but point fingers. Do something. Or I will request paypal refund
you say that this number works this number was removed from YouTube channel email how will I restore my account? my proof there's everything screenshot that the number doesn't not work with and removed with YouTube and I don't have access to the channel i want there will be an honest solution problems
today I wrote to the Google support service three times they sent me these only I click the link to 1. Open page then I will open the second step 2 on the link Account recovery Recover your Google Account then I pointed out the email I wrote this [email protected] and then I click next step 2. and the three 3 step shows this You're trying to sign in on a device Google doesn't recognize, and we don't have enough information to verify that it's you. For your protection, you can't sign in here right now.Try again later or sign in from a different device.
I am tried all the many variants for restoring email just no sense after changing the buyer password, the channel I don't have any access to this email channel not
I recorded a video for restoring my account watch this video in full out of 1080 quality it will be seen HD and the Buyer changed the number and password they have access to this channel he's just lying to me I think this proof should solve this problem now I have all the evidence that this buyer scammer professional 100 present reality