Hello, Selling my account. Reason: school and work. Can't be occupy by BF. I'd still be active on account until sold. Account on dummy facebook. account and email, all will be provided when successful transaction. looking for 400$. Interested party message me on here or add me through skype mpham177. Don't to attempt to scam me... link for pics: Level: 200 Energy 147 Arena: Divine FH Rank: 12 Zel: 28 million + Karma: 25 million + 400 unit max 200 item max 17 unused gems Spheres: Legwand x3 Evil Shard x3 Dandelga Drevas Batootha Omni Gizmo x2 Medulla x5 Sacred Jewel x7 Refined Gem x4 Divine Stone x3 Angelic Foil x6 Aegis Cloak Providence Ring Units: 62 Burst Frogs All 6 Stars ******: Logan sbb10 Lunaris sbb10 Michele sbb10 Farlon sbb10 Felnus sbb10 Mega sbb10 Elimno x2 sbb10 Dilma sbb10 Oulu x2 sbb10 Douglas x3 sbb10 Ophelia sbb10 Tree x2 SBB10 Behemoth bb3 Vishra sbb10 Lodin sbb10 Uda sbb10 Lancia sbb10 Melchio sbb10 Leorone sbb10 Lilth x2 sbb10 Alice sbb10 DuelSGX sbb10 Lira bb9 Zephyr sbb10 Grybe bb6 Will bb1 Vargus sbb4 Lava bb8 Ronel bb7 Bordebegia bb4 Ramna bb7 Emilia bb1 Zelban bb1 Luly bb5 Nalmika bb2 Loch bb6 Kikuri bb9 Rickel bb1 Tiara bb1 All 5 Stars *****: Mare bb10 Miku bb1 Lugina bb1 Serin bb1 Signas bb1 Wing Blaze bb1 Dia bb1 Seria bb1 Lorand bb1 Grah bb10 Zebra bb10 Karl bb10 Vanila bb3 and many material for evolving units and dupes. note that my unit can complete maxwell trial, I just havnt had a chance to do so. (Tree, Lilth, Lilth, Olulu, Grah(lead), Matah (friend))