*Heroes: 66 T5 heroes (enough resouces to T5 all heroes) -Aisha: 5*UW, 4*UT, Adv2 +18 SW, 95 TPs, optimal full BoC gears with 1m atk -Pavel: 5*UW, 5*UT, Adv1 +16 SW, 95 TPs, optimal full Suppression gears with 650k atk, 4* ssw -Shea: 5*UW, 95 TPs, optimal full Dark Legion gears, capped aspd, CC resit, mp/s with crit to be able to heal -Larvil: 5*UW, 3*UT, 95 TPs 400% crit damage gears, crit to heal with 4* Pocket watch -Cecilia: 5*UW, 3*UT, Adv0 SW, 95 TPs, full BoC gears -Kara: 5*UW, 4*UT, 95 TPs, both PvE and PvP gears -Shamilla: 5*UW, optimal full Suppression gears -Lilia: 5*UW, 3*UT, 95 TPs, full BoC gears -Sonia: 3*UW, 4*UT, Adv0, 95 TPs, full HP optimal Suppression gears for PvP -other high * UWs: 4* - Selene, Viska, 3* - Laias, Epis, Luna, Gladi, Oddy, Priscilla -Different high-end gears sets: Dark Legion tank set for general, physical and magical boss, Dark legion sets for supporters, full atk support set, etc with 12 Gear custom slots *Resources: -1.5b Gold, 861k dust, 29k Rubies, 9.8k Mileage, 189 Lua tokens -131k WB points, 130k Arena points, 118k Guild points, 9k GW points, 3m Raid points -Full 3 Eclipse Entrance now *My inventory: (full 1400 slots) -Gears: UWs, UTs and Artifacts -Growth: Soulstones, Ether (grinding to buy Ether in the event shop atm, so should be +100 gold and other ethers), Stone of Infinity, Essences and Fragments -Consumables: 17 UW, tickets 1* UW ticket, 8 UT tickets, 2 Velk Artifact tickets, 1 Artifact ticket, 200 Soulstone Frag tickets, reforge tickets, 15 10+1 summon tickets and more -Others: lots of Velk runes, 810 Soulstone Fragments for Wizard *Performance: -Challenger weekly -Clear Trial of the Flow Floor 8 easily -Clear Eclipse up to stage 39 -1 ticket GRH Xakios and Nubis -1 ticket GC Tyfras -Clear Floor 80 Tower of Challenge easily -Clear all stages of Labyrinth easily -Solo Hard dragon stage 4 and above -Auto all field raid with 100% win rate *Account can bind to buyers Facebook., you can check my account on NA, nickname zer0l if you want *Im looking for $700 (#), for more information if interest please contact me via Discord zer0l#0629, or my ID Line: zer-0-l (note its number 0 in zer0l not O)