-1879k core power -10 tier -300k chakra + a few not used tomes and scrolls -270k temple power + a lot of runes so in general ~300k -pvp dragon + a lot of eggs -jaques skin (fighter pilot) + vallari skin + elena skin -all heroes, main heroes 50+ lvl with right red items, jaques and mako 58 -a lot of cards, resources, time boosts -6 time scrolls so you can migrate to anothe realm, with 6 you can migrate to realm in 50-100 top (i know one where are english players + you will be 59 ranking) -2k linari -troops stats and heroes attributes are powerfull for my 1897k core power, with my build of account you can easily slay players with 2100k+ core power (if right race) -epic mounts from lucky wheel platform ios for more details you can ask in the thread