Hi ppl o/ If you need any further informations/screens just pm me with your discord (and i'll add you) or answer at this post i'm trying to sell a old game i don't really play anymore. The game is totally buy (and not only with game pass). Then you'll buy the account AND the game with this offer. Almost legendary for those who want to get this pleasure :3 i'm played at this game since the beginning, then some items on this account can't be get anymore IG. i would like to get you on discord to make all change (mail, password,etc) to be sure that we will not get any troubles and i'll not be able to get any access on this count when sold. chest: 50 skull: 50 trader: 47 athena : 4 approx: 360k golds approx: 1400 doublons some screens: i can give you more screenshots (even screen share) in pm on discord/ts3 or whatever you want. i would love to sell it 150$ but if some of you got some useless ship on star citizen we can make a deal =p but don't be shy and make an offer, there is alway a way =) Have a nd all o/