Sold S21 IOS - 3,2M POWER - LEVEL 230

Discussion in 'Idle Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Momrix, 2/14/20.

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  1. Momrix

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    Hello. I'm selling my Idle Heroes account.

    Information about the account:

    Level 230

    Vip 3

    Lineup: E5 Valk, E5 Penny, E5 Skerei E4 Garuda (Can E5 when I get another copy of her), E3 King Barton (Will replace with another Skerei for great PvE damage, 10* Kroos (3,2m power)

    All guild tech is maxed and second ranger page is almost full

    Maxed Deer (speed too) and maxed Phoenix (Level 51 speed)

    Warrior, Mage and Ranger class set

    The account is more than 3 years old so it got some of the old avatars

    Level 604 at Tower of Oblivion

    Legendary Skin on King Barton + Valk and a lot of limited skins for other heroes + normal ones.

    If you want more information, pictures or something else feel free to contact me on Discord Pahl#1738. I accept Runescape gold (both servers)​
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