Trading  Android Android Account for IOS account!

Discussion in 'Mortal Kombat Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MKIOS48609, 2/12/20.

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  1. MKIOS48609

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    My Location:
    Looking to trade a Android account about a yr old with 85,000 souls and 60,000,000 coins I have all gold characters unlocked fx 60 and quest mode has been completed. Some faction wars equipments maxed dumahads mask as well. Almost all Diamonds unlocked several are fx 60 account is in good standings can play factions wars lvl 60 even though you have many souls still smart to spend them slowly i open on average about 30 packs when I play. My wife bought me a new Ipad and Ive been playing a new account but prefer to trade for a account similar to mine let me know what you have in IOS sure we can make something work. No scams only honest traders please. Im not here to scam anyone so dont think you can scam me either. Account needs to be a little older not no account thats that a few weeks old and under lvl 60 please. I want someone to enjoy this account as much as I have. Will upload pics upon request as it seems most post here are out dated or no one is selling or trading accounts anymore. Will send proof of my account upon request. Thanks in advance for looking have a good day

    You can E-Mail me at [email protected] but communication will be done directly through here so we both are protected! Thanks
    #1 MKIOS48609, 2/12/20
    Last edited: 2/12/20
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  2. PlayerUp

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