edit. happyfeet80 on AJ, DevilMirai#6920 on discord scammed. its no longer for sale, but i hope people still see this.
Ain't it a coincidence how like 10 minutes after you got scammed charging port posted a lphd selling thread????
Y’know it’s real mature of you to make assumptions like that without any evidence and then threaten to dox me on Discord for literally just having posted a listing of the same item close to someone else who got scammed. Thanks a lot man. To clarify, I bought my light pink headdress (along with a few other items) off of an Instagram seller TODAY and listed my lphd on PlayerUp coincidentally around when this other seller got scammed. I have proof that I bought this item from said Instagram seller and will be happy to show proof of that (as well as screenshots, PayPal receipts, etc etc). Doxing is extremely harmful and to threaten it when you have absolutely no evidence other than a coincidental posting is incredibly wrong. Please grow up.