Sold Battlenet Account with WoW up to Legion | Diablo 3 | Overwatch |CoD: MW and BO4

Discussion in ' Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Heal Ape, 1/30/20.

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  1. Heal Ape

    Heal Ape
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    I no longer get any use out of my battlenet account so I am wishing to sell it.

    I've got 8900 achievement score on WoW, along with 1 lvl 120 and a bunch of other toons.
    Around 110 mounts with some rares like depleted kyparium rocket.
    A bunch of battlepets as well.

    In HotS I've got a couple of skins and I'm at least level 140.

    In Overwatch I had a lot of rare skins from past events.

    In Diablo 3 I've got the falcon wings and the cosmic butterfly wings, along with a lot of pets.

    In CoD: MW I've gotten gold on riot shield and the 357 magnum.

    I would like to get $300 for my account as I believe its a fair price after doing some research on the topic and how much time I've put into all of these games.

    But I am always open to negotiating a price.

    You can contact me on discord at Heal Ape#4835
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